發佈單位 :
發佈者 :
- 你有多尊重別人 你就有多優秀 營造多元族群的友善校園 - The more respect you have for others at creating a diverse and friendly campus.
- 2024.04.24 全民原教講座 - 你的名字怎麼那麼長,以族名作為日常的戰鬥 - 2024.04.24 All Hara Lecture - How come your name is so long? Daily battles based on clan names.
- 2024.05.17 「mopu t'yu'」十六屆原民週晚會 - 2024.05.17 “mopu t'yu'” 16th Original People's Weekly Meeting.
- 暨大 家庭暴力研究中心 活動成果網頁 - Program Results Page, Center for Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Research, NCNU.
- 性騷擾防治、申訴與教育訓練訊息專區 - Sexual Harassment Prevention, Complaints, Education and Training, Office of Personnel, NCNU.
- 「性別友善專區」 - Gender Friendly Zone, Office of Personnel, NCNU.
- 身心障礙教職員工資訊服務專區 - Information Service Zone for Teachers and Staff with Mental and Physical Disabilities, Office of Personnel, NCNU.